Veggie Quesadilla | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Veggie Quesadilla

These Veggie quesadillas are a great appetizer/starter or a quick and healthy meal. You can prepare this within 10 minutes.
You can make this with any combination of vegetables and beans available in your kitchen.
Enjoy these quesadilla with any sauce/sour cream.

Oil- 2 teaspoon
Jeera- 1 teaspoon
Onion- 1 cup
Green chillies- 2
Garic cloves-2
Vegetables of your choice- 1 cup
Black beans- 1/2 cup
Corn- 1/4 cup
Salt- 3/4 teaspoon
Black pepper powder- 1 teaspoon
Red chilly flakes- 1 teaspoon
Oregano- 1 teaspoon
Butter- 4 tablespoons
Tortilla- 4
Shredded cheese- 1.5 cups

Servings- 3

1. Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan. Add jeera, green chillies, garlic cloves and onion. Sauté until onion is soft.
2. Add vegetables of your choice(eg. Beans, carrots, Bell pepper etc) , black beans and corn.
3. Add spices( black pepper, oregano and red chilly flakes) and salt.
4. Cook till the vegetables are soft. Switch off the flame.
5. Heat 1 tsp butter. Cook tortilla both sides.
6. On one half , Place the fillings( Cheese/vegetablefilling/cheese). Fold it into half.
7. Cook both sides until golden brown.

Veggie quesadilla is ready!!!
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