Warm up weeknights with a spicy One Pot Ji Gong Bao (Chicken Hot Pot) recipe!

3 Bottle of Chicken Tonic
1 whole Chicken
15-20 Dried red chilles (deseeded)
5 cloves Garlic (sliced)
5 slices Ginger
5 stalks Scallions (cut 1 inch strips)
2 tbsp Cooking oil
1 tbsp Black peppercorns
3 tbsp Rice vinegar
3 tbsp Light soy sauce (adjust to taste)
2 tbsp Dark soy sauce
2 tbsp Sugar
2 litres Water

Hotpot ingredients:
Tau Kee
Bok Choy
Pork belly slices
Enoki mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms

1. In a claypot, add Ginger, garlic, scallions (white parts), 2 tbsp of cooking oil and stir fry over medium heat until fragrant.
2. Add in 15-20 dried chillies (deseeded), black peppercorns and continue to stir fry until fragrant.
3. Add in 1 whole chicken that has been chopped, and mix evenly.
4. Add 3 bottles of Eu Yan Sang Black Bone Chicken Tonic and mix well.
5. Add water and bring to a boil. Add sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rice vinegar and mix well.
6. Cover and cook on low heat for 20 minutes.
7. Add green parts of scallions and serve as a hot pot with your favorite ingredients.
8. Garnish with coriander.
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