Wholemeal Penne with Lamb Mince, Tomato and Fetta - 2011 TVC Featuring Julie Corletto | SanRemoPasta

One important tip to remember about San Remo Wholemeal pasta (http://www.sanremo.com.au/products.php?cat=Wholemeal) is that it has its own great nutty flavour that is different to standard San Remo pasta. That means to make the most of it, don't use it in the same way you would use standard San Remo pasta but rather try it with recipes that are specifically designed to complement the nutty flavour of the wholemeal pasta. In this television advertisement, Julie Corletto shares a recipe that has been designed using lamb mince and fetta specifically to complement the pasta.

You'll find the recipe here http://sanremo.com.au/san-remo-recipes/julies-lamb-feta-and-herb-wholemeal-pasta-2/

For futher recipes, product information and to learn more about San Remo visit http://www.sanremo.com.au or http://www.facebook.com/sanremopasta
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