Why I Love Having An Online Business.

Visit: http://www.cooking-mexican-recipes.com

This video is in response to James Wedmore's video as to "why" we do what we do online.

I love having an online business because I touch people all over the world. They write to me and thank me for the recipes and the help I give them. This makes my day.

Flexibility: I have the ultimate in flexibility. I work when I want, how long I want and from where ever I am. As long as I have an internet connection I can work.

I use a company called Sitesell to create my website: http://cooking-mexican-recipes.com/sitesell. This company rocks. I wouldn't have the traffic I do without them. And when I started, I didn't know how to make a website. They made it easy for me with a block by block system. If I can do it, anyone can. Leave me your questions in the comment section.

Rockin Robin
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