yuzukosho soy milk pasta with yuba | plant based japanese pasta | all day i eat like a shark

ever considered using soy milk in your pasta? if you haven't yet tried it, you're in for a delicious surprise.

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soy milk is the perfect pasta sauce base. you might think it odd, but soy milk is used in many different ways and dishes in japan. it's more than just a drink. for example, you can use soy milk in japanese style stew, japanese style soup, japanese style hot pot, japanese dressings and of course pasta sauces like this one!

heard of yuzukosho ? if not, yuzukosho is a potent pepper paste made with a blend of japanese peppers, the japanese citrus yuzu, some salt and sugar. yuzu kosho can be used in many different ways. if you like spicy, with a little bit of salty and citrus, this might be your new favorite condiment.

if you haven't yet tried it you can get it on amazon here

pair this japanese style pasta with some yuba and yuzukosho you'll have a complete meal.
what do you think? lmk in the comments!

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