I Grew Buzz Buttons That Make Your Mouth Feel ELECTRIFIED ⚡️ | emmymade

I Grew Buzz Buttons That Make Your Mouth Feel ELECTRIFIED ⚡️ | emmymade

I heard about buzz buttons aka toothache plant's electrifying and numbing effects and decided to grow some just so I could experience them myself. ⚡️ ...

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For T

For T

This is not like any other video I've posted so far. But I had to post it. T was a brilliant doctor, an adventurous soul, a mountain conqueror, a kind...

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100 subscribers celebration with funny workout routine!!!! Yeeeeah!!!!

100 subscribers celebration with funny workout routine!!!! Yeeeeah!!!!

You'll need: some heavy stuff to lift, colleagues who want to have fun with you, an operation which doesn't request much of your attention :)

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I Got My Wisdom Teeth Removed with NO Anesthesia - A Story of Healing

I Got My Wisdom Teeth Removed with NO Anesthesia - A Story of Healing

A Story of Healing - I Got My Wisdom Teeth Removed without Anesthesia. Many people want to know WHY & HOW I did this without medication or pain killer...

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