177: What Happened when the 8yo Snuck Halloween Candy - Twice!

177: What Happened when the 8yo Snuck Halloween Candy - Twice!

We've edited our "family dessert" policies many times over the years, and we're always trying to balance moderation vs restriction, autonomy vs parent...

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Real Food Sweets "Rules" - Are They Necessary? HPC: E110

Real Food Sweets "Rules" - Are They Necessary? HPC: E110

People ask me all the time what we do in our family about desserts and sweets. I figured the last Healthy Parenting Connector before we take a break ...

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The Less-Sugar Solution for Kids HPC: E72

The Less-Sugar Solution for Kids HPC: E72

Are you fed up yet with all the sugar your kids are served outside your house (or even inside)? This is a great time of year to step back and conside...

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