Jalan Tua Kong Lau Lim Mee Pok recently relocated to Bedok Market Place!

Jalan Tua Kong Lau Lim Mee Pok recently relocated to Bedok Market Place!

Jalan Tua Kong Lau Lim Mee Pok recently relocated to Bedok Market Place! Mr Lim Kim Heong, the 56 year-old hawker has been cooking mee pok since he wa...

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SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD   Hong Xing Fishball/Meatball Noodle (/)   Hong Lim Food Centre

SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD Hong Xing Fishball/Meatball Noodle (/) Hong Lim Food Centre

Its 3am, and Hong Lim Food Centre is silent. All shutters are down but one. Mr Kang, the second generation of Hong Xing Fishball Noodle, begins his pr...

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Bak Chor Mee with Super Shiok Lard & Chilli - Fa Ji Minced Meat Fishball Noodle

Bak Chor Mee with Super Shiok Lard & Chilli - Fa Ji Minced Meat Fishball Noodle

It seems like residents in Kovan love minced meat fishball noodles. At Kovan Market and Food Centre, there are three very popular minced meat fishball...

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