Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Making Gambas al Ajillo

Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Making Gambas al Ajillo

This is one of Madrids most loved (and most delicious!) tapasgambas al ajillo, or prawns lightly fried in olive oil with chili and garlic. Here you ca...

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Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Grilled Secreto ibrico

Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Grilled Secreto ibrico

Secreto ibrico is one of the most delicious cuts of pork you can order in Spain. When in Spain, do as the Spaniards do, and order this delicious tapa!...

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Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Making Langoustine Croquetas

Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Making Langoustine Croquetas

Cigalas, or langoustines, are a Spanish seafood delicacy! Here you can see how langoustine croquettes are made in a traditional Madrid tapas bar! Whil...

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Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Pimientos de Padrn

Behind the Scenes of a Tapas Bar: Pimientos de Padrn

Pimientos de Padrn are just one way Spaniards get their daily vegetable intake! These green peppers, which come from the north of Spain, are fried in ...

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