Saving 140,000kg of fish from waste | Auckland, New Zealand | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

Saving 140,000kg of fish from waste | Auckland, New Zealand | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

Want to get involved? 1. Follow the @the_kai_ika_project on Instagram and Facebook learn tips on how to utilise fish heads, frames and wings in your o...

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How much has food changed over the years? | Akis Petretzikis

How much has food changed over the years? | Akis Petretzikis

Subscribe: Quality or quantity of food? What is technology's actual impact on the food we choose to eat and how does ...

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Embrace ugly produce | Akis Petretzikis

Embrace ugly produce | Akis Petretzikis

Subscribe: One of the biggest crimes against the environment is that up to 40% of fruits and vegetables end up in the...

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