Muslim Meals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Roti Pisang | The Food Ranger

Muslim Meals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Roti Pisang | The Food Ranger

Check out for 3 months free w/ 1 year pack and 49% OFF! FOOD RANGER MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

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Authentic Nyonya Food: Old China Cafe in Kuala Lumpur | Nyonya Cooking

Authentic Nyonya Food: Old China Cafe in Kuala Lumpur | Nyonya Cooking

A very special edition, all about food but I am not the one cooking. I hope I kept up to your standards by showing you more yummilicious food! This pl...

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Durian King of Fruit Buffet - All You Can Eat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! | Mark Wiens

Durian King of Fruit Buffet - All You Can Eat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! | Mark Wiens

Visit: for more street food and travel! Durian, the King of all Fruits, is a sensational fruit that will truly make you bo...

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The Happiest Ice Cream Scooper in the World | Mark Wiens

The Happiest Ice Cream Scooper in the World | Mark Wiens

This man simply loves scooping ice cream. He sings, rings the bell, and jokes as he scoops up his scrumptious ice cream in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. D...

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