The Making Of (Ep 7) | Chef Sanjana Patel | Chocolatier / Patissier | India Pastry Queen 2015 | India Food Network

The Making Of (Ep 7) | Chef Sanjana Patel | Chocolatier / Patissier | India Pastry Queen 2015 | India Food Network

What makes a successful patissier? Resilience, patience and a never-back-down attitude. Watch Tarini Sood in conversation with Chef Sanjana Patel, cre...

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ILearned The Art Of The French Croissant...

ILearned The Art Of The French Croissant...

Ep3. French Ptissiers told me how to use a Dough sheeter, different dough laminating techniques, and proper croissant dough kneading. My Shorty Award ...

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