"Snail-less-cargo" - 100% Snail-Free Escargot Recipe | Food Wishes

"Snail-less-cargo" - 100% Snail-Free Escargot Recipe | Food Wishes

Learn how to make "Snail-less-cargo" - a 100% Snail-Free Escargot Recipe! Go to http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2015/04/snail-less-cargo-april-fools.ht...

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Frogs Legs & Snails (ft. Danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil) | Sorted Food

Frogs Legs & Snails (ft. Danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil) | Sorted Food

We cook frogs' legs and snails at the Google Creative Sandbox in Cannes and then feed them to Dan and Phil! That's pretty much all you need to know! ...

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