EASY Chicken Pilaf (Rice Cooker Recipe) 炊飯器で簡単!チキンピラフ (レシピ) - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

EASY Chicken Pilaf (Rice Cooker Recipe) 炊飯器で簡単!チキンピラフ (レシピ) - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

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EASY Tuna and Shimeji Mushroom Ponzu Rice (Rice Cooker Recipe) ツナとしめじの味ぽんごはん (レシピ) | ochikeron

EASY Tuna and Shimeji Mushroom Ponzu Rice (Rice Cooker Recipe) ツナとしめじの味ぽんごはん (レシピ) | ochikeron

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How to Make Lucky Bean Rice (Fukumame Gohan) Recipe 福豆ごはん (レシピ) | ochikeron

How to Make Lucky Bean Rice (Fukumame Gohan) Recipe 福豆ごはん (レシピ) | ochikeron

I cooked flavored rice using the lucky beans which was leftover from the bean scattering on Setsubun (2/3). You can use frozen Edamame beans, green p...

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