Living Without Enemies

Living Without Enemies

Is it possible to have conflict with others without making that person your enemy? Let's examine another way of looking at things. 90 Day Food Journa...

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Making Things Happen vs Allowing Things to Happen

Making Things Happen vs Allowing Things to Happen

Just sharing some thoughts on making things happen vs allowing things to happen. I like to call it getting into the flow. For me it's sort of a mix of...

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Living Without Enemies

Living Without Enemies

Reading from Dr. Wayne Dyer's book 'Living the Wisdom of the Tao' again today. If you've been watching I've read a number of these passages from this ...

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Be Soft Like Water

Be Soft Like Water

Today's reading/ talk is another selection from Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, Living the Wisdom of the Tao: Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life. Insightful...

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Living by Natural Law

Living by Natural Law

This weekend talk is about living by natural law. I'm reading again today from Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, 'Living the Wisdom of the Tao: Change your Thoug...

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Living in the Flow

Living in the Flow

Living in the flow is something I've come to appreciate more in this last year with my mindfulness meditation practice. I'm reading today from the boo...

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Living in the Flow

Living in the Flow

Today's weekend talk is a reading from Wayne Dyer and some thoughts from the Tao Te Ching. It's basically what I'm striving for in my mindfulness medi...

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Connected to Source; Connected to Everything

Connected to Source; Connected to Everything

Sharing some thoughts today on connecting to source and an excerpt from Wayne Dyer on the Tao Te Ching. A little off the subject of mindfulness medita...

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