Emmy Eats Wales - Welsh & British snacks & sweets | emmymade

Emmy Eats Wales - Welsh & British snacks & sweets | emmymade

Join me as I taste snacks and sweets sent to me from Wales, a country located in the western part of the United Kingdom. And a big thank you to Heathe...

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Quick Deep Fried Mushrooms | TheChiappas

Quick Deep Fried Mushrooms | TheChiappas

This week we had an amazing crop of Porcini mushrooms near our house in the Welsh Valley's, so what better way to enjoy their amazing flavours than to...

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Introducing The Chiappa Sisters | TheChiappas

Introducing The Chiappa Sisters | TheChiappas

Family cooking the Chiappa Way: New recipes every other Monday and baby food recipes every other Thursday. We have been brought up speaking, cooking ...

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