Angaya Podi/Powder/Post natal care/Pathiya samayal | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Angaya powder

Angaya powder/podi is one of the important post natal care recipe, given to new lactating moms It is believed to relieve fatigue, indigestion, aches and pains caused by delivery. This traditional recipe is from the southern part of India, passed on to generations.

This can also be consumed by diabetic patients or people with gastritis, mouth ulcers and stomach problems..


Veppampoo (Neem flower)-1/2 cup
Manathakkali ( Wonder berry)-1/2 cup
Sundaikai (Turkey berry)-1/2 cup
Coriander seeds- 2 tablespoons
Black pepper- 2 teaspoons
Jeera (cumin seeds)-2 teaspoons
Omam(Ajwain)- 2 teaspoons
Arisi thippili-5
Kanda thippili-5
Sukku (dry ginger powder)- 2 teaspoons
Hing-1 teaspoon
Salt- As needed

1. Dry roast all the ingredients separately until well roasted.(except dry ginger powder, hing and salt).
2. Grind everything to a slightly coarse consistency.
3. Keep it in an airtight container.
Angaya powder can be mixed with hot steamed rice and ghee or can be served with Curdrice.
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