Avocado Smoothie with Rozanna Purcell

We teamed up with the amazing Rozanna Purcell to create this delicious Avocado Smoothie, it's a great one for building up your immune system and it's bursting with energy to get you through the day. We used coconut water with some honey to give it sweetness, but also try it with apple juice, it gives to a sherbet sweet type flavour which is great for getting the kids to drink when they're sick. This recipe made 4 of our glasses.

1 Avocado
1 thumb size piece of Ginger
1 handful of mint leaves
Juice of 1 Grapefruit
Juice of 1 Lemon
500ml of Coconut water or Apple Juice
1 Tbs of Honey (if you're using Coconut Water)

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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