Cassava Cake | Panlasang Pinoy

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Cassava Cake is a type of sweet sticky Filipino Dessert made from grated cassava. The cassava root is peeled, grated, and cleaned before mixing with coconut milk, sugar, and other ingredients to make this delicious cassava cake. Cassava cake is categorized as “kakanin” in the Philippines, which means made of rice – although this does not use any rice ingredient. Aside from being a famous dessert food, cassava cake is also eaten in between meals -- particularly in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon as a heavy snack.

Cassava is also known as balinghoy. In other parts of the world, it is called Manihot esculenta, Brazilian arrowroot, manioc, and tapioca. Cassava is a woody shrub that grown in tropical places. Its starchy root is a good source of carbohydrates.

Cassava Cake is also called Bánh khoai mì.

Aside from Cassava cake, there are other Filipino snacks and dessert that are made from cassava.

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