Cheese Filled Lamb Meatball Kebab how to make cheese pan kebab easy small tray kebab

Materials required for 4 people
300 grams of lean lamb
120 grams of lamb tail oil
2 capsules Cape pepper
Bitter pepper
Scaly pepper
Slice cheddar cheese
2 green peppers
2 medium onions
Zirk Knife (large mince knife)
Easy pan kebab recipe amazing flavor
A four person kebab is being prepared please follow the recipe
Lamb meat is used for this meal
Tail fat is added to half of the meat
The lamb part is used
First of all it is necessary to separate the nervous parts outside the flesh
Cut small pieces of meat with a knife
We are right in the form of mincing meat with this great cutting blade, which is an industrial kitchen equipment
You can use a finely chopped machine but if the machine is hand-woven, the flavor will be superior
Remove two cappuccino kernels
It will be very thin, so that the water will come out
Remove the water from the peppers
Do not use pepper water for this meal
Add flake pepper
Add hot pepper paste
Add some salt
Stir the meats thoroughly,
We are thinning with zirk
I show you how to machine
It will be very easy to have one with a fine-tipped mince maker
If it is chopped it will be more flavor
Prepare thin slices of cheese
Divide the mixture into two equal parts
You need to use a steel plate that you can use in the oven
Place the meat half on the bottom of the plate
Prepare to get the edges out
Place thin slices of kashar cheese
Close the edges and prevent it from overflowing
Prepare the rest of the meats
Cover meat with meat
It must be completely closed and not air-tight
We will bake in wood fire
I use pine or oak wood
I will cook this stew used in the past
Cooking in the soba is not obligatory but it will be effective for your food to be delicious
Kebab fry is added
Spicy green peppers chop finely
Bake two small onions thinly and cook in a pan
Add the onion greens from the kebab
It will take fifteen minutes to cook this meal in the normal oven
Add oil as you go out
The kebab we prepared is twenty minutes porky onion and peppers ready for service
It is very easy to prepare everyone I absolutely recommend to try
Kabab plate is added
Four pieces divided into four equal parts will suffice
Add onions and peppers
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