Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart Recipe - The Happy Pear

Here's our Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart. This dessert is an absolute treat and it's our favourite cake at the moment. It's dairy free, gluten free and it serves 12 people... or one person...

Makes 9 inch/24 cm spring form tart
Takes 20- 30 mins to make - serves 12

Base layer -

150g raw walnut
150g raw almonds
100g dates
1.5 tbsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp coconut oil

Blend nuts first to flour like consistency - then add rest and blend till like bread crumbs
Compact really firmly into the base of the spring form tart dish ensuring an even spread.

Caramel layer -
300g pitted dates
150g almond or cashew or peanut butter
10-12 tbsp water
10 tbsp coconut oil
1 large pinch of salt (add more if you like it)

Blend for 10 mins till super smooth and carmel like. Spread a really even layer of caramel on top of the base layer doing your best to give a smooth top for the chocolate layer

Chocolate layer

Melt some dark chocolate, we use 70%

300g dark Choc melted

Spread the chocolate evenly over the caramel layer and put in the fridge to set.

Once set use a hot knife to cut through the chocolate so that it doesnt crack - enjoy!

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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