Dont get discouraged over one or two misses. Keep the big picture in mind

The 80/20 rule is the best rule because theres NO way youre going to avoid carbs for the rest of your life!

Keto. IIFYM. Paleo. You name it...nowadays there are way more diets than food groups, and even though they all have their own benefits for weight loss, sometimes they are REALLY HARD to maintain.

Dont you think?

Thats why the 80/20 rule works for so many people! Basically, you eat clean, whole foods for about 80 percent of your calories of the day, and you #treatyoself for about 20 percent of the calories for the day.

Even though this sounds simple, it is still very important to practice moderation and portion control with the 80/20 rule. Your indulgences need to be a reasonable portion rather than an #idowhatiwant type of thing... Just because 20 percent is for treats, it doesnt mean you can go binge on chips...its just some wiggle room to live life a little bit!

Make sure youre following @mealprepmondays

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