322A50mlA111 A 22421 2212 ===3 Easy Christmas Treat IdeasChristmas TreeServings: 2INGREDIENTS2 cupcakesA50ml heavy cream1 teaspoon sugar1 teaspoon matcha powder (dissolved in hot water)1 pretzel sticksprinkles, as neededPREPARATION1. In a bowl, combine A and use a hand mixer to mix. Whisk until the cream becomes thick, then add matcha powder and continue whisking until stiff peaks form.2. Break the pretzel stick into 2 pieces and stick 1 into each cupcake, creating a tree trunk.3. Transfer the whipped cream mixture into a piping bag and pipe it onto the cupcakes, resembling tree leaves. Top off with sprinkles. 4. Enjoy!ReindeerServings: 2INGREDIENTS2 biscuits4 heart-shaped chocolates2 circular chocolates1 marshmallowchocolate pen (black), as neededPREPARATION1. Apply chocolate pen to the biscuits as glue and place heart-shaped chocolates on top.2. Cut the marshmallow in half with kitchen scissors and draw eyes using the chocolate pen.3. Place circular chocolates on the biscuit for the nose.4. Enjoy!Santa ClausServings: 2INGREDIENTS2 strawberries1 marshmallowchocolate pen (black), as needed2 food picksPREPARATION1. Remove the stems from the strawberries and cut them in half horizontally.2. Cut the marshmallow in half and draw eyes and a mouth using the chocolate pen.3. Sandwich the marshmallow between the strawberry halves using a food pick.4. Enjoy!#TastyJapan #MUSICLicensed via Epidemic Sound