Easy sheetpan pancake recipe - Healthy pancakes for a crowd!

This video will show you how to make an easy sheetpan pancake recipe. Using a sheeetpan is a great way to make healthy pancakes for a crowd and makes breakfast for a crowd easy . I used healthier ingredients by minimizing processed foods and using whole, non-processed foods as much as possible. For example, the batter base ingredients included a combination of oats, peptide powder and whole wheat flour instead of processed white flour. My kids don't like bananas in their pancakes so I replaced man-made processed sugar with a natural sweetener, real maple syrup. Regular vegetable or canola oil, which is inflammatory, was replaced by heart healthy coconut oil. Carbs and sugars were also reduced by the use of unsweetened almond milk instead of regular cow's milk. My kids, many of whom are picky eaters, all loved these despite them being loaded with healthy ingredients! I grant you that I did use semi-sweet chocolate chips, if I had used 100% cacao chips my kids never would have eaten them. :) I would definitely use parchment paper to line your pans - not only for easy cleanup but it made serving far easier as well. This recipe is now in the book of healthy recipes that my family eats regularly!

For more healthy breakfast recipes, check these out:

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timestamps (click on time in list below to jump right to that point in video):
00:00:00 - start
00:00:15 - required ingredients
00:00:47 - preparation steps: wet and dry ingredients
00:02:27 - combining the wet and dry ingredients
00:03:17 - pouring the batter into pans
00:04:02 - final product and how to tell they're done
00:04:18 - taste review
00:04:32 - explanation why this is healthy

#healthypancakes, #chocolatechippancakes, #sheetpanpancakes, #ovenbakedpancakes
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