Easy Tsukimi Dango かんたん寒天餅 白玉月見だんご | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

Take your favorite store-bought sweets, wrap them up, and boil—it's as easy as that! This time around, we've taken a stab at concocting shiratama dango with a red bean (-ish) filling, in true MUJI fashion. Wrapping mochi around a soft and squishy red bean filling can be difficult, to say the least, but this technique makes it a snap. Our next challenge is figuring out what other kinds of sweets we can wrap up in this shiratama dango dough! Also check the community tab https://www.youtube.com/user/mosogourmet/community
1. Add 125g of silken tofu to 100g of shiratamako rice flour and mix well. If the mixture is too dry, add scant quantities of silken tofu at a time, making sure the mixture doesn't become too soft.
2. Wrap your favorite store-bought sweets with the mixture made in step one. This time, we've wrapped a single 5g piece of kanten mochi with 10g of the mixture made in step 1. This will make 22 pieces.
3. Bring a pot of water up to a boil and boil the pieces made in step 2 for between 1 minute 40 seconds to 2 minutes apiece. Our shiratama layer was fairly thin, so this was perfect for us.
4. And now you're ready to enjoy! The silken tofu used will help keep these dango nice and soft for a long time.

Strangely enough, the dango didn't float up to the surface when they were done... Maybe because of the filling? Either way, we don't know.

市販のお菓子を包んでそのまま茹でる!餡(ぽいもの)が入った白玉だんごを作ってみました。無印良品にありそうな感じ。やわらかい餡をお餅で包むのって結構 大変ですが、これなら簡単。白玉に合いそうなお菓子、さて次は何を包んでみようかと考え中です。コミュニティタブもチェックしてね。https://www.youtube.com/user/mosogourmet/community

1.白玉粉 100gに絹ごし豆腐 125gを加えよくこねる。かたいようなら絹ごし豆腐を様子を見ながら加えてこねる。柔らかくしすぎないように気をつける。
2.好きな市販のお菓子を1で包む。今回は1個 5gの寒天餅を10gの1で包みました。22個できました。

#月見だんご #簡単 #作り方 #音フェチ #Japanese #Dango #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying
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