Eat Insects and Testicles at the World's First Paleo Restaurant | Munchies

Berlin is at the forefront of alternative food developments and trends, and over the past few years, one in particular has taken the city by storm: The Paleo Diet. Also referred to as the Stone Age Diet, Paleo food is prepared without the use of “modern” techniques and processing.

Enthusiasts of the diet argue that man’s nutritional requirements have remained unchanged since the Paleolithic era, which ended roughly 10,000 years ago, and that our bodies have not yet adapted to many agricultural products and are ill-equipped to digest some grains and dairy foods. For that reason, Paleo chefs often fall back on meat as a provider of protein and a central ingredient.
At his restaurant, Sauvage, Boris Leite-Poço has been trying to teach Berlin food-lovers about this diet for quite some time. As the founder of the world’s first Paleo restaurant, he is incredibly passionate about healthy, sustainable food and largely responsible for Paleo’s increasing popularity in Germany and abroad. We watch as he presents some of his most innovative creations, including a three-course meal consisting of lamb testicles with parsnips and celeriac; a raw biscuit made from dried fruits, cocoa beans, hazelnuts, and mealworms; and bone marrow with worm crackers.

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