Happy Parents Aren't a Myth (How You Can Get Closer) HPC: E57

Do you wish "happy" and "parenting" were used more often in the same sentence?

Our guest today is a former NY Times reporter who realized she was hearing way too many parents say that they just weren't happy, not finding joy in their kids like they thought they would...so she sought to do something about it.

She dug into research and interviewed parents in the trenches and wrote a lovely book that is as good for beach reading as for personal development, and I'm so honored to learn from her wisdom today.

KJ Dell'Antonia will help you see:

* Why mornings are so important in family life (+ a few options for making them smoother). I almost guarantee you'll see one of your sloths--I mean kids!--in her stories!
* The importance of kids doing chores and a few reasons why it feels so HARD to do the CHORE of getting them to do the chores! The "separation" she recommends is groundbreaking if you can manage it...
* That sibling bickering is not a reflection of your parenting! KJ shares from her own pain watching her daughters drive each other batty, and the expert suggestion that finally changed it all (it had nothing to do with the kids!).
* Why screens and tech can be both a source of happiness and strife in families, and the best philosophy for training up kids who know how to use them wisely.
* That others feel a lot of stress in the kitchen too...there are too many "shoulds" when it comes to food and dinnertime. I call her out on not recommending kids to cook with their parents, and KJ explains the very good reason why she didn't (even though she loves cooking with her own kids).
* Why discipline wasn't actually that hard in former generations, a few reasons it's the MOST hated part of parenting for many modern moms and dads, and what lessons we want to learn from the past (and leave in the past).

And her message of hope: "Trying is everything when you decide to be a happier parent!"

If you feel like you want to be a little more intentional about enjoying your kids, about finding joy in the act of parenting and not just waiting for it to be over, this is an interview worth listening to! You'll love KJ's stories, and I highly recommend her book "How to be a Happier Parent."

Resources We Mention About Happy Parenting

* Find KJ online and be sure to watch for the book club guide! https://kjdellantonia.com/
* KJ's book, How to be a Happier Parent: https://amzn.to/336WtFd
* Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber: https://amzn.to/31MvDBX
* Mom, Jason's Breathing on Me by Anthony Wolf: https://amzn.to/3559nVT
* My videos on Stress Mastery: https://kidscookrealfood.com/stress-mastery-1/ and https://kidscookrealfood.com/stress-mastery-2/

Disclosure: As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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