Homemade Ketchup with Melanie Murphy - The Happy Pear Recipe

Recently we collabed with, the one and only, Melanie Murphy to make some delicious healthy recipes for her YouTube channel.
******Here's a link to Melanie's channel; https://www.youtube.com/user/MelaNiieVideos ******

Melanie is a huge fan of Ketchup, but not a fan of the high sugar content of normal store bought ones, so we decided to show her how to make her own, now she can get her ketchup fix and stay in control of the ingredients.

Here's the ingredients:

200g Tomato Puree
100g Agave Syrup & Honey
1/2 tablespoon of Molasses
4 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of Salt
6 tablespoons of Water

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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