Full recipe and directions for HOMEMADE PEAR JAM


1.5 kg (10-12) Pears
800 g (4 cups) sugar
lemons juice (or tsp citric acid)
1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (optional)

Pear trees bloom in the Spring and some of these beautiful flowers transform into juicy sweet fruit by Autumn
Pears are also available during the Winter, but Fall is the best time to make Pear Jam because its flavour and nutritious components are mature, while its texture is still crunchy

Wash, peel and dice 1.5 kg of pears. Place the pears into a medium-sized pot
Add 800 g (4 cups of sugar over the pears (Make sure the sugar covers all the fruits to prevent browning)
Cover the pot with a lid and let rest for at least 4 hours or overnight in the fridge
After resting in the sugar pears will have released enough juice such that you can cook them without adding any more water

COOKING (20-25 minutes)
Set the stove to medium and bring the pears to a boil.
Cooking will be completed in about 20-25 minutes in total.

(!) Boiling and frothing will start in 5 minutes.
Add tbsp of vinegar to the mixture when the frothing (and boiling) starts to prevent over-frothing

Once the frothing is over, boil the jam for 10-15 more minutes, on medium heat while mixing continuously. When the froth disappears, and bubbles become transparent cooking is done. Cook NO LONGER than necessary, because the jams consistency will be developed using the sun-cooking process (*)

*Note: If you do not have an opportunity for sun-cooking, simply continue boiling the jam until you get desired consistency

Once the bubbles become clear, add the juice of a lemon (or tsp of citric acid) and boil the jam for 2-3 more minutes
Now you can turn off the stove and transfer the Pear Jam into a wide and shallow container for easy evaporation

Simply place the shallow jam container with a screen to keep out the wildlife
Stir the jam twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon
Sun-Cook the jam for 2-3 days, until it reaches the desired consistency

The Sun-Cooking process allows for an extra bright colour and the perfect consistency for your jam without and additives!

Once you are satisfied with the consistency, store the jam in glass jars
Prepare small, sealable, clean and dry jars for storage
Distribute the Pear Jam into the jars
Tightly close the lids and store in a cool and dark room or pantry

Homemade PEAR JAM is a natural and delicious way of preserving fruits for the Winter
This delicate, sweet-mellow flavour goes perfectly with walnuts and peanut butter, served over some crispy toast or with soft sandwich bread

PEAR JAM has a unique pear fruit aroma, a thick viscous texture, and the incandescent energy of the Sun!
Stash away the natural fruity taste in you jars and enjoy the taste all year long

Enjoy the glow!

For more recipes and full directions SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW the Fairies Cuisine on its YouTube page, link below:
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