Ideas to Help You Master Healthy School Lunches with Georgia Harding HPC: E73

They say September is the new January when it comes to meal planning...and January always feels a lot like September when it comes to lunch packing!

If you're about ready for some new ideas, inspiration, and organization to help your kids keep up a nutritious diet all day long, you'll love this interview.

(And if an Australian accent is your fav like me, all the better!) ;)

Georgia Harding is a naturopath whose morning is my nighttime, summer is my winter, and got from health to blogging in the opposite direction as me as well, but on pretty much everything else we're well-aligned!

You'll love

* her definition of S.L.O.W. foods
* ideas of what should go in the lunchbox and routines to make it practical
* planning and prep strategies to make this do-able, even for busy families
and more!

No time for the whole video? Skim notes for you right here -

Georgia's eBook we talked about (from which my daughter made homemade teddy grahams and more) is here:

Other resources for school lunches:
* My interview with Jessica Braider on Back-to-School Meal Planning:
* Kitchen Stewardship posts about school lunches:
* My Bento Box review:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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