Japan Vlog Hida Takayama Trip | Japanese Cooking Lovers by Yuri

I went to Takayama in Gifu Prefecture in Japan. I went to Shirakawa-go first, and this is 2nd day of the trip. This Hida Takayama trip was my first time.

They use to have a Takayama castle 高山城 on top of the hill (mountain), so the town is called Joka-machi 城下町 (Under the castle town). Typically, this type of the city has narrow roads and many one-way streets nowadays. The reason of those narrow roads to created so that enemy is hard to attack the castle.

I had my first time to ride a rickshaw. You are maybe able to feel like riding a rickshaw when you watch this video.

It was ancient fashioned town when they built about 300 years ago. You can feel like you made time trip to Edo period. They have many Saka-gura (Sake Brewery) that they have Sugi (Cedar) ball over the entrance of the store, which is the sign of brewery.

The houses do not have Udatsu, but instead, they have small Shinto shrine on the roof.

The river water is very clear; they have excellent quality water and high quality of rice, that is why Hida Takayama has great sake and many breweries. Also, they are known to be Hida beef. Many steak restaurants in the town, and many Ramen restaurants which are also famous for the area.
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