How to make Furikake from Daikon leaves and I make rice ball using that furikake. You can use turnip leaves or kale and any other deep green leaves. Deep green leaves have excellent nutrition, and this recipe is very easy. Also, I show you how to make rice balls.Ingredients: Daikon Leaves 100g / 3.5oz(Vegan) Mayo 1TBSSake 1 TBSMirin 1/2 TBSSoy Sauce 1/2 TBSDried Red Hot pepper 1/2 or 1Dried Bonito Flakes 20g / 0.7 ozSesameHemp seeds*Substitute: Turnip Leaves or Kales, etc Dark color leaves Authentic Japanese Cooking for Japanese food lovers. Yuri teaches how to cook popular Japanese food to shojin or vegan diet from the United States. Japanese travel Vlog and Japanese restaurant report in Japan. Authentic Japanese Cooking