Jägermeister and Mountain Cheese: Chef's Night Out in Vienna with Luke Bereuter | Munchies

Luke Bereuter is one of three co-owners of Ludwig & Adele—a restaurant inside the well-known Künstlerhaus and the Stadtkino Vienna. In this episode of Chef's Night Out, he takes us out for a night of hitting up his favorite spots across the city of Vienna. With friends along for the ride, our first stop is Ludwig & Adele, where we take a peek in the kitchen to see chef Ludwig Lindser preparing a tranche of salmon belly and braised beef cheek with pickled mustard seeds.

Next up is a visit at the legendary jazz club Porgy & Bess where the gang gets some little snacks like pralines made of lamb, spinach dumplings, grey cheese with sage butter, and black bread toast with smoked meat. We then go to a place you can't miss out when in Vienna: Bitzinger sausage stand. The guys prepare for the rest of the night with Jägermeister, beer, and some cheese kransky. Finally, the trio swings by their other place, Tonstube, to get homemade mountain cheese with fig mustard and chili chutney—the perfect snack for a night out.

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