Mutton Beliram Recipe Spicy Mutton Curry Scroll Recipe

Mutton Beliram Recipe | Spicy Mutton Curry | Scroll Recipe
For Marinating Mutton
500 gm Mutton - curry cut
3 medium Onion - sliced
1 tbsp Ginger-Garlic-Green Chilli Paste
2 fresh Green Chilli - slit in half
6-8 Black Peppercorns
2-3 Cloves
1 Black Cardamom
1 cup Curd
2 tsp Coriander Powder
tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tsp i Red Chilli Powder
Salt to taste
3 tbsp oil
1 TBSP Ghee
2 tbsp Coriander Seeds - crushed
Coriander Leaves - chopped
fresh Coriander Leaves
Step 1
For Marinating Mutton, black pepper, cloves, black cardamom, onion, curd, salt, coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, ginger-garlic-green paste and mix everything properly then keep aside for at least 3 hours.
Step 2
Add 3 TBSP oil and 1 TBSP ghee in a pan
Add onion and saut it properly until golden brown
Now add the marinated mutton saut it properly until the oil starts separating
Add water cover it with a lid and cook until the mutton is completely cooked (stir it in between)
Add 1 TBSP crushed coriander and cover with a lid
Remove the lid then add chili and chopped fresh coriander leaves and stir it once
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