Mysore rasam | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Mysore rasam is a traditional brahmin recipe. I have used fresh rasam podi for this recipe.This is also called as araithuvitta rasam since coconut is added to this recipe.

Toordal- 1/4 cup
Tamarind water- 1.5 cup
Tomatoes- 3
Ghee- 2 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Salt- As needed
Hing- A pinch
Jeera- 1.5 tsp
Sambar/Rasam powder- 1/2 tsp
Black pepper- 1/2 tsp
Coriander seeds- 1.5 tsp
Curry leaves-2 stems
Shredded coconut- 1/4 cup
Red chillies- 1

1. Pressure cook 1/4 cup of toordal for upto 4 whistles. Add a cup of water to the cooked dal and keep it aside.
2.Roast the coriander seeds, black pepper, red chillies, jeera, curry leaves and coconut in a tsp of ghee.Grind it into a fine powder.
3.Take 1.5 cups of tamarind water,3 tomatoes, turmeric powder, salt,jeera,sambar/rasam powder, curry leaves in a vessel. Let it boil for 10-15 minutes over medium flame.
4.Mix 2 tsp of water to the ground powder and add it to the rasam .Let it boil for another 2 more minutes.
5.Now add the mashed toor dal water. Keep the flame very low. Rasam should not boil after this. When froth starts to form on the sides, switch off the heat. Garnish with coriander leaves.
6. Heat 2 tsp of ghee. Add mustard seeds and hing. When the mustard seeds crackles, add it to the rasam.

Mysore rasam is ready!!

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