Napolina Chickpea Pasta with Red Lentil Balls | Cooking with Napolina

Napolina Gluten Free Organic Chickpea Fusilli with lentil balls, wilted spinach and Napolina Tomato Passata Sauce.

This is a wonderfully easy recipe to add a meat free option to your weekday meals. The lentil balls can be made ahead and kept in the fridge for a couple of days.

Serves 4


125g of Napolina Gluten Free Organic Chickpea Fusilli
1 x large onion
1 x 390g pack of Napolina Tomato Passata
100g Fresh baby spinach
Napolina Olive Oil

For the lentil balls

1 x 400g can of Napolina lentils
50g of mushrooms roughly chopped
1 x red onion roughly chopped
2 x cloves of garlic roughly chopped
1 x tablespoon of spices - paprika, cayenne and cumin
Salt and pepper
1 x beaten egg
100g flour


Add all the lentil ball ingredients together into the food processor and pulse until they are all combined.

Once everything is mixed together, form 14-16 lentil balls with your hands and set aside. In a medium pan, heat the olive oil on the stovetop, and add the lentil balls. (We recommend you do this in 2 batches.)

Cook the lentil balls in the oil for 2 minutes on each side, using a spatula to carefully flip over.

Cook the Napolina chickpea fusilli pasta until al dente, then drain and set aside. In a pan, heat the olive oil and add the sliced onion. Sauté for 1-2 minutes, and then add the 3 cups of baby spinach. Sauté for 1-2 minutes and then toss in the cooked pasta and Napolina tomato passata sauce. Then mix together and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Serve the pasta with the lentil balls.

For more recipe inspiration visit
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