Natto with Onsen Tamago - Cooking Japanese

Today Cooking Japanese will be pairing Natto with Onsen Tamago. It is a wonderful way to start the day in Japan and a great example of traditional Japanese cuisine.

A popular Japanese breakfast item has long been natto. Natto is made from fermented soybeans and is a nutrient rich dish. It can be an acquired taste with it's strong smell and slimy texture. But it is a favorite among many in Japan and a must try for anyone with a sense of adventure!

In this recipe we pair Natto with a soft boiled egg called Onsen Tamago. Onsen tamago is a traditional Japanese low temperature egg which was originally slow cooked in the water of hot springs (onsen) in Japan. Today it is cooked on the stove. Onsen tamago has a wonderful texture that is almost custard like. You will find it atop many noodle dishes like udon and ramen, or on rice dishes like gyudon. And it is even served simply as a side dish by itself.

This recipe calls for dashi. You can get the instant version or learn to make dashi from scratch here:

I hope you have a good time learning how to make Natto with Onsen Tamago at home. Please be sure to let us know how you like it. And as always, I hope you enjoy Cooking Japanese!

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Cutting Board: Jeremy Vessels
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