One of The Best Char Siew & Noodle in Singapore | FOOK KIN
Hi everyone, welcome to Lisa and Tricia Singapore Foodie TV. A one stop station where you know where the good food and bad food are. Today, Tricia is going to take you to eat one of the Best Roasted Pork in Singapore. Have you heard of Fook Kin? Sound like a Vulgarity word? It comes from a Chinese word Fook Kin is a casual eatery along Killiney Road. It is a collaboration between the Muttons, who hosted the Singapore 95 FM morning radio show and the Old Airport Road Hawker Stall Road Paradise.
The nearest MRT is the Sommerset MRT station. The interior of the eatery looks like an old coffeeshop. The light looks like a bird cage. The walls has a flying pig on it. There is a TV here showing how they prepare the food, and also the influencers food review on fook kin. Here comes out orders, the roasted pork and the char Siew. The Char Siew is one of the best that I have ever eat. When you tasted the char siew, you are lost of words. We also ordered the plan noodles. It is better to eat the noodles first before you eat the char siew. Because the char siew tastes is so overwhelming and good that it may mask the tastes of the noodle. We also ordered the Fired Egg yolk lotus slices. Hope you enjoy my video, One of The Best Roasted Pork in Singapor, FOOK KIN

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