Pap in a Pumpkin

Pumpkins filled with pap for your next braai! White Star super maize meal and homestyle tomato and bean sauce combined and dished into a hollowed out pumpkin - add some bacon and mozzarella cheese on top, cook in the Weber and serve as the perfect Braai side dish!

An awesome way to spice up that traditional pap with a braai we all love. It's simple and fun to make, not to mention absolutely delicious!

NOTE: This recipe can be done either in a Weberkettle braai or
in the oven. The same cooking times apply to both.


- 500g White Star super maize meal
- 1 pumpkin
- 1 green pepper
- 1 red onion
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- Salt & pepper to taste
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 can chopped tomatoes
- 1 tbsp fresh ginger
- 1 can bake beans in tomato
- 125ml chicken stock
- 1 cup mozzarella cheese
- 300g bacon bits
- 45ml olive oil
- 500ml water

Special requirements:
- Weber griddle pan


1. Add 2 cups of water to a pot and bring to the boil.
2. Add 2 cups of maize meal to the boiling water. Cook over moderate heat for 15 20 minutes.
3. Finely chop red onion, green pepper, garlic and ginger.
4. Prepare fire in the Weber with two-sided indirect heat.
5. Prepare pumpkin by cutting a circle on top to make a lid. Remove lid and clean inside of pumpkin.
6. Place pumpkin on Weber griddle pan and add salt, pepper and cinnamon sticks. Replace lid and place the pumpkin, on the Weber griddle pan, in the middle of the grid in the Weber and leave for 10 minutes.
7. Add 45ml olive oil to a pan and saut chopped onions, green peppers, garlic and ginger over medium heat.
8. Add 1 can chopped tomatoes, 125ml chicken stock and 1 teaspoon paprika, salt and pepper to taste.
9. Mix well together, then add 1 can baked beans in tomato. Cook for 5 minutes.
10. Add mixture to the cooked maize meal.
11. In a separate pan, fry 200g bacon bits.
12. Remove pumpkin from Weber and fill with cooked maize meal and sauce mixture. Add cooked 200g bacon bits and 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese as top layers and close pumpkin lid.
13. Place pumpkin, lid off, on the Weber griddle pan in the middle of the grid in the Weber and cook for 15 minutes.
14. Remove from Weber and place on a heat-resistant table mat.
15. Cut in generous slices and enjoy this truly South African dish!

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