Peppers Stuffed Baking Recipe Healthy Food A wide variety of materials

Pepper filling baking recipe
How to prepare the inner filling material of the peppers on this video and how to share it with you
Essential oils liquid sunflower oil and olive oil
Pulbiber, mint, black pepper, cumin
Tomato paste and pepper crust
Salt and sugar
Red meat
These materials will be sufficient to fill more than a hundred peppers
One kilo of tomato paste a liter of liquid total eight pounds of tomatoes and onion a kilo of minced meat and a total of three pounds of rice and bulgur
First you need to soak rice and bulgur
You have to wait for half an hour in the water
Thin tomatoes with a mixer
Thin the onions in the same way with a mixer
Add the ingredients into a large container in order
Add liquid sunflower oil and mix it a little olive oil will be more beautiful
Add garlic
Add salt and sugar
Add peppercorn and tomato paste
Add spices
Add the item
Stir thoroughly
Add rice to the strainer and drain the water
Add the bulgur in the same way
Gently mix the materials
Add the ingredients into the peppers
Be careful not to overfill while filling peppers
Add the inner padding so that it is not too dense
Add it perpendicularly to the oven tray
It needs to be a deep tray in this way baked by adding sauce into it
Add tomato sauce to a saucepan for sauce
Add garlic
Add salt
Add black pepper
Add caraway
Add sugar
Add boiling water
In addition you can add olive oil here
We go to the baking section of the peppers
Add the sauce to the pan
You can make it work with a funnel
Cover oven trays with aluminum foil
Need to close before full air
Baking at least two hours baking a hundred degrees
You can use a little ketchup sauce and yoghurt while spaghetti jade is served
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