Peri Peri Soya Nuggets | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Shallow fried soya nuggets tossed in spicy peri peri spice mix.



Soya chunks, soaked and drained
Salt to taste
2 garlic cloves
1 stalk celery
2 French beans
¼ medium leek
1 small cauliflower floret
¼ medium carrot
3 tablespoon refined flour
½ cup breadcrumbs
Oil for shallow-frying
Boiled green peas for garnishing
Peri Peri Spice Mix
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1 teaspoon cayenne spice
½ teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon stock cubes
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon red chilli flakes
Salt to taste
A pinch of sugar

1. To make peri peri spice mix, grind together onion powder, garlic powder, paprika powder, cayenne spice, dried oregano, stock cubes, cinnamon powder, red chilli flakes, salt and sugar to a fine powder. Set aside.
2. Grind together soya chunks, garlic and salt till fine. Transfer into a bowl.
3. Crush celery, leek, carrot, cauliflower to a coarse paste and add to the bowl alongwith salt and mix well.
4. Shape the mixture into balls, flatten to make nuggets.
5. Mix refined flour and some water in another bowl till smooth.
6. Dip nuggets in refined flour slurry, coat them in breadcrumbs and repeat the procedure once again. Similarly prepare the rest.
7. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan, shallow-fry the nuggets till crisp and brown on both the sides. Drain on absorbent paper.
8. Put fried nuggets in a ziplock bag, add 1 tablespoon peri peri spice mix and shake well.
9. Arrange on a serving plate, garnish with green peas and serve immediately.

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