Priya Makes Kadhi (Creamy Indian Soup) From the Test Kitchen Bon Apptit

Join Priya Krishna in the Bon Apptit Test kitchen as she makes Kadhi. Kadhi is similar in texture to cream of [fill in the blank] soup, but with no cream, andwellbetter. All you need to make it are yogurt, chickpea flour, and spices. But dont let the simplicity fool you: Kadhi is both deeply comforting and insanely complex in its flavor, like a cozy blanket draped over a hot bowl of white rice. The exact recipe varies from region to region in India, and sometimes includes add-ins, like chickpea flourbased fritters called pakoras, but we like it thick, rich, and spice-forward, with a pleasant tanginess at the end. If you dont like peppercorn flavor, feel free to nix them or cut the amount in half.
Check out the recipe here:

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Priya Makes Kadhi (Creamy Indian Soup) | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Apptit
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