Raising Adventurous Eaters with Lara Dato

Occupational therapist Lara Dato, MS OTR/L, SC-FES, explores the causes of picky eating, how to identify food sensory sensitivities, and what parents can do to help their children overcome these challenges. She also shares valuable tips to help your picky eaters become adventurous eaters.

Children who are picky eaters can be challenging for parents who want to ensure their kids get the nutrients they need. Additionally, picky eaters may have food sensory sensitivities that make certain textures, tastes and smells unappealing.

It can be challenging to watch your child eat the same bland foods day after day while everyone else is enjoying a variety of delicious dishes. Whatever the reason for your childs picky eating, know that you are not alone, and there are ways to overcome it. You can help them become more adventurous and find joy in trying new things with patience, creativity and the correct information and support.

What Youll Learn About Raising Adventurous Eaters with Lara Dato

+ Occupational therapy and the specialization of feeding, eating, and swallowing
+ Sensory processing as a neurologically based system and how our experiences influence it
+ Things to look out for in our children that signal sensory food sensitivities
+ How different senses affect children's eating
+ Why our picky eaters have trouble with fruits and vegetables
+ The importance of knowing our children's preferences and flavor profiles
+ Eating as a time for connection with your friends, family, and community
+ Why older children are increasingly having difficulty with eating
+ Raising Adventurous Eaters: Tips and Tricks to Support your Child's Eating Development

We can look at food and decide what it's gonna feel like. We can feel the texture of our food. And if our body gets overwhelmed, that can feel uncomfortable.
- Lara Dato

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