Recipe: Mama Cheong's Caramelised Onion Duck

Sharing this recipe so it doesn't become lost! The origins as far as I know came from Malaysia, but I've never eaten it anywhere in Singapore or Malaysia outside of when Mama Cheong cooks it!



1 duck, cleaned
700g red onions, peeled
2l water
130.5 ml Tai Hua Superior Dark Soy Sauce
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
40g (2 Chinese spoons) sugar
40g (4 tablespoons) of sugar to add to gravy

Add vegetable oil to big wok on low heat, and add 40g of sugar to it.

Fry the sugar on medium heat and let it melt to golden brown liquid with a bit of smokiness (but not burnt).

Turn down the heat. Add the duck, back first before adding the water till it is more than half covering the duck. Move it around so it does not stick to the wok due to the sugar liquid underneath.

Add the dark soy sauce to the water and turn up the heat, cover with lid and let it boil.

Once it boils (after a few minutes), turn down the heat and let it simmer for another half an hour.

During the half hour mark, flip the duck. Add hard boiled eggs (optional) and red onions (it takes an hour to cook).

Once the hour is up, remove the eggs, flip the duck again and add 4 tablespoons of sugar, stirring occasionally after to prevent burning. Let the duck gravy simmer for another half hour on low heat.

At the 1.5 hour mark, the duck is ready to be taken out - drain some of the oil at the sides at this point when the fire is still on, before turning it off.

Peel the flesh off the duck when cooled, add back the eggs and its ready.
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