Ribbon Sandwich | रिबन सॅन्डविच | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | TedhiKheer

Colour your plate with this beautiful sandwich made with healthy ingredients. Orange with carrots, green with green peas and red with beetroots, enjoy a yum treat!


Carrot mixture
1 large carrot, sliced and boiled
1 tbsp butter
1 small onion, finely chopped
Salt to taste
1 tsp sugar
¼ cup cream cheese
Green peas mixture
½ cup boiled green peas
2-3 tbsps fresh mint leaves
2 tsps lemon juice
1 tbsp scraped coconut
¼ cup cream cheese
Salt to taste
Beetroot mixture
1 beetroot, boiled, peeled and roughly chopped
Salt to taste
1 green chilli, chopped
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
¼ cup cream cheese
16 white bread slices
Butter for applying


1. To make the carrot mixture, heat butter in non-stick pan. Add onion and sauté till translucent. Add carrot, salt, and sugar and sauté for a minute. Take the pan off the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly.
2. Transfer the mixture into blended jar and blend into fine paste. Transfer the mixture in a bowl, add cream cheese and mix well.
3. To make the green peas mixture, put boiled green peas in a blender jar. Add mint leaves, lemon juice, coconut, and 2 tbsps water and blend into a fine paste. Transfer into another bowl, add cream cheese, salt, and mix well.
4. To make beetroot mixture, put beetroot in another blender jar. Add salt, green chilli, sugar, and lemon juice and blend into fine paste. Transfer the mixture in another bowl, add cream cheese and mix till well combined.
5. For making one sandwich, apply butter on 4 bread slices. Apply a thin layer of the carrot mixture over the buttered side of a bread slice. Similarly, apply a thin layer of the green peas mixture over the other bread slice and apply a thin layer of beetroot mixture on the third bread slice. Cover the sandwich with the remaining bread slice with the buttered side facing down. Trim the edges and cut the sandwich into triangles.
6. Serve.

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