Celebrate Holi with Ribbon Sandwiches | #shorts | Natural Colourful Holi Special Sandwiches | Indian Mom

Celebrate Holi with Ribbon Sandwiches | #shorts | Natural Colourful Holi Special Sandwiches | Indian Mom's Kitchen

Carrot orange, Beetroot red, Mint/ Coriander green and Egg yellow are all the natural colours used in this yummy Rainbow Sandwich. No artificial colou...

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Ribbon Sandwich | रिबन सॅन्डविच | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana  | TedhiKheer

Ribbon Sandwich | रिबन सॅन्डविच | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | TedhiKheer

Colour your plate with this beautiful sandwich made with healthy ingredients. Orange with carrots, green with green peas and red with beetroots, enjoy...

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