#Shrikhand - Shrikhand Avocado recipe, Shrikhand from Butter Fruit, How to make Shrikhand | Nutritious & Delicious Recipes

Shrikhand Recipe - How to make homemade Shrikhand, Delicious Shrikhand Recipe, Asli Shrikhand, Quick Shrikhand, Avocado Shrikhand for Diwali, Avocado & Elachi Shrikhand, Shrikhand from homemade curd. Shrikhand from Hung curd and Avocado Flavoured.
Today I have prepared Shrikhand from Avocado / Butter Fruit. Shrikhand is very famous in Maharashtra and Gujarat as a dessert or sweet , usually served with poori / puri. It is an Indian Dessert Indian Sweets made from hung curd. If you make hung curd at home from full cream milk then it will be thick and tastes very delicious. I have added Cardamom Powder for aroma and taste.

#shrikhand #shrikhandrecipe #shrikhandavocado #shrikhandbutterfruit

Ingredients :
Hung Curd - Made from 1 litre of Full Cream Milk.
Sugar - 150 gms of sugar
Avacado / Butter Fruit Pulp - Ripe - 1
Cardamom Powder - 1/2 tsp

Custard apple Shrikhand, Sitaphal Shrikhand, Srikhand - https://youtu.be/jwfXPlcZrOk

#IndianDessert #IndianSweets

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