Simon and Martina make a Spudgy Bento Box Behind the Scenes

"Simon and Martina, you are Super Yabai!!"

Moso Mom shows Martina of Eat Your Kimchi how to make a character bento of their pet dog Spudgy:

Food Adventure Program For Awes... : Spudgy Bento Box

Eat Your Kimchi

We filmed the collab at the YouTube Tokyo Space. Martina wasn't feeling very well that day, but she was all smiles for the camera and they worked hard editing the video. Simon was constantly looking out for Martina and wouldn't settle for anything but the best quality video even with unfamiliar equipment. We were very impressed by both of their hard work! Thank you Simon, Martina, and our interpreter, Kataoka-san, for a great experience!

"Eat Your Kimchi"SimonMartinaSpudgyMartinaSimonMartinaSimonMartina!!

Food Adventure Program For Awes... : Spudgy Bento Box

Eat Your Kimchi
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