Singapore popular Steamboat Shi Li Fang

Hi everyone, I made this video, Singapore popular Steamboat Shi Li Fang to share with my viewers why this steamboat is so popular!

Transcript Singapore popular Steamboat Shi Li Fang

This place is like a fairyland. The number represents the number of stamp you need to redeem the soft toy. You can get 1 stamp for every $20 spend. Min of 1 stamp to redeem 1 soft toy. There is a whole selection of toys to choose from. Which soft toy do you like? We ordered 3 sets of $9.90 set meal. Each $9.90 set meal consists of 1 rice/noodle, vegetables, mushroom/Shabu Shabu or mix yong Tau Foo set. Here there are 3 soups: Tomato, Mushroom, Pork Bone Soup. I got a cat home. There are 3 main reasons why Shi Li Fang Steambost is so popular: Free Toy,Cheap $9.90++ and the food is fresh, tasty and filling.

The restaurant is this video, Shilifang @ Hougang 1

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