Summer Vegetable Spelt Risotto | Cooking with Napolina

This is a quick mid-week recipe packed full of vegetables. Leave out the Goats cheese for a dairy free option. It’s also a great way of using your favourite seasonal vegetables.

Serves 2


2 x tbsp Napolina Olive Oil
1 x large onion diced
1 x clove of garlic finely chopped
100ml vegetables stock
50g broad beans
10 x asparagus spears each one cut into 4
50g fresh or frozen garden peas
50g mange tout cut in half
50g runner beans
50g baby corn
2 x tbsp Napolina green pesto
1 x 400g can of Napolina spelt
Salt and pepper to taste
100g soft Goats cheese crumbled
Fresh basil


Warm Napolina olive oil in a shallow pan and sauté the onion until soft, add in the garlic, cook for a 2-3 minutes.

Pour in the stock and let it simmer for 1 minute.

Now add the vegetables and cook until tender.

Stir in 2 tablespoons of Napolina green pesto and the Napolina Spelt, giving it a good stir to combine the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Crumble over the Goats cheese and chop some fresh basil to sprinkle over.

For more recipe inspiration visit
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